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1During congestion, Magenta customers using >100GB/mo. may notice reduced speeds until next bill cycle due to data prioritization; Video typically streams on smartphone/tablet in SD quality. Essentials customers may notice speeds lower than other customers and further reduction if using >50GB/mo., due to data prioritization. Video typically streams on smartphone/tablet in SD quality; Magenta Max & Go5G Plus: activate up to 4K UHD streaming on capable device, or video typically streams in SD. Go5G: During congestion, customers on this plan using >100GB/mo. may notice reduced speeds until next bill cycle due to data prioritization. Activate up to HD streaming on capable device, or video typically streams in SD.
25G: Capable device req'd; coverage not available in some areas. Some uses may require certain plan or feature; see plan for details. Scam Shield: Capable device req’d. Turning on Scam Block might block calls you want; disable any time. Taxes & fees: Sales taxes & regulatory fees included in monthly rate plan price for Magenta and Magenta MAX plans.