Start your personal data request.

Privacy laws in several U.S. states provide residents the right to access, delete, and correct personal data that businesses have collected about them. At mobile365, we offer these same choices to our business and government customers who reside in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands—as well as our international business customers.

If you work for an organization that has a business or government account with us, you should know that we collect minimal information about individual end-users, administrators, authorized users, telecom expense managers, and new leads. Of course, you still have the right to submit a personal data request with us. But chances are, there won’t be much to see, delete, or correct.

What you need to submit a request

Your work email

You’ll need a valid email address you can access and verify during the request process. If you have more than one type of account, please submit a separate request for each.

Your mobile phone number

You’ll need to provide the phone number associated with your business or property—and it must be capable of receiving SMS text messages.

When you’re ready to start your data request, you’ll need access to that phone so we can communicate with you. We’ll send you a one-time text code that will expire in 10 minutes. If you’re unable to enter the code in that timeframe, you’ll need to submit a new request.

Ways to submit a request

Use our online form

You or an authorized agent can submit an online request to access, delete, or correct your personal data.

U.S. business customers

Once you’ve confirmed your email address, you’ll hear back from us within 45 days.

International business customers

Once you’ve confirmed your email address, you’ll hear back from us within one month.

State or local government customers

Once you’ve confirmed your email address, you’ll hear back from us within 45 days.

Note: If you’re a federal employee with a government-related phone line or device please email your personal data request to  

Call our Care team

Let a Care Representative help you submit a personal data request.

mobile365 for Business

mobile365 for Government


More information about data rights

Please review our FAQs or explore the following topics: