How to correct personal information associated with a business or government account.

Most corrections must be made by your employer

If you work for an organization that has a business account with us, it’s important to know that your employer is technically considered our customer. Those who use the phones and devices, like yourself, are considered end-users. As an end-user, you can make limited changes to the personal information on your company’s phone or device. Additional corrections can only be made by your organization’s account administrator or others with appropriate permissions.

Log in to your account

Time estimate: Less than five minutes 

You can make some corrections or updates to inaccurate personal information associated with your phone or device. You’ll find that each type of account has a separate set of rules about what information may be changed by the end-user.

mobile365 for Business

You can change your name, address, email, IMEI + SIM combo, phone number, and caller ID name.

mobile365 for Government

You can change your name, E911 address, and voicemail password.

Call our Care team

Time estimate: Usually less than 10 minutes

mobile365 for Business

mobile365 for Government


Visit a mobile365 store

Time estimate: Varies

The easiest way to correct inaccurate personal information is to log in to your My mobile365 account and make changes. But if you need help, stop by a retail store and ask for assistance. Bring your valid U.S. driver’s license or passport as proof of your identity.

Contact your account administrator

Time estimate: Varies

For most business accounts, the account administrator, and sometimes authorized users with the appropriate permissions, can make additional changes to your personal information. Please ask your account administrator for assistance.

Use our online form

Time estimate: Less than 10 minutes to submit form; time for results varies

Once you’ve submitted your form and confirmed your email address, you’ll hear back from us within 45 days for U.S. requests and within one month for non-U.S. requests.

More about our business and government accounts.

mobile365 for Business

Additional corrections 
Account administrators and others with appropriate permissions can make additional changes, including email, SIM, billing address, and mailing address.

Closed accounts 
If the organization you work for closes their enterprise account with us, you may not be able to correct your personal information. In some cases, you may have up to one year after the account is closed to make changes. 

Former employees 
If you leave a company that has an account with us, your former employer’s account administrator can manually delete your account profile information or disable the login.

Inactive profiles 
Automatically deleted after one year of inactivity.

mobile365 for Government

Because email addresses are used for logins, they’re not easily changeable. If you need a new email address, your account administrator must create a new account.

Additional corrections
Account administrators can set or change the associated E911 address for each of the phone lines paid for by the government organization. They can also place orders, suspend, restore, report lost or stolen devices, change rate plans, upgrade phones, and block international roaming. 

Closed accounts 
If the organization you work for no longer has a business account with us, you may not be able to correct your personal information. In some cases, you may have up to one year after the account is closed to make changes. 

Former employees 
If you leave an organization that has an account with us, your former employer’s account administrator can manually delete your account profile information or disable the login.

Account administrators & authorized users 
When the account administrator or authorized user leaves the company, the government organization informs mobile365 to delete or remove this user from the account.

Inactive profiles 
Your account will be locked after three months of inactivity and requires a password change to login.

Sprint for Business and Government

Phone numbers 
Because phone numbers are associated with the account, they can’t be changed. 
Closed accounts 

If the organization you work for no longer has a business account with us, they can access the account for one year after it’s closed, but with read-only access. No personal information corrections can be made. 

Former employees 
If you leave an organization that has an account with us, your former employer’s account administrator can manually delete your account profile information or disable the login.

Inactive profiles 
Automatically deleted after two years of inactivity.