Depending on your situation, your account can be placed into a partial or full suspension. Are you looking to suspend or restore just one line on your account? Find out how to suspend or restore your line. For prepaid accounts, check out mobile365 Prepaid account suspend & cancellations.
On this page:
Billing during account suspension
If your service was recently suspended, the impacts to your bill may vary depending on your billing method.
- If you pay at the end of your bill cycle for the previous month's charges, you'll have prorated monthly charges, overages, one-time charges, taxes, etc.
- If you pay at the beginning of the bill cycle for upcoming usage, you'll receive a credit for the time your service was fully suspended on the first bill after the suspension.
- This does not apply for customers suspended for nonpayment. Review nonpayment suspensions for additional details.
When service is restored, you're billed the prorated monthly charges for the time active within that bill cycle on the bill after being restored, unless already billed.
Military suspensions
Military suspension is available for any verified active duty military customer. Eligibility for a military suspension requires verification of your active duty military status.
A military suspension does not extend your contract. There are no monthly charges, taxes, or suspension fees while your account is under a military suspension. Learn how to suspend your line if you're about to enter active military service. You may suspend your line(s) for a maximum of 39 months if you're being deployed and are a member of one of the following:
- US Army
- US Navy
- US Marine Corps
- US Air Force
- US Coast Guard
- Officers of the Public Health Service on duty with the Army or the Navy
Things to consider
- Keep account current: During a military suspension, your account must remain current. This means you or an authorized user need to make monthly payments by the due date. If the account is suspended for nonpayment, it won't be restored to a military suspension once the balance is paid. You would need to re-restore the line. Other subscribers on the account are charged the normal monthly plan fee.
- Monthly recurring charges: While on a military suspend, there are no monthly recurring charges, taxes, or suspend fees; however, if any features or plans share monthly recurring charges between a suspended line and an active line, you'll have normal monthly recurring charges. Any recurring charges will still need to be paid each month by the due date. Example: If you're on an $80/month family plan. If there's one line that's active and one line on a military suspension, then the total amount billed is $80. But, if both lines have a military suspension, then the monthly recurring charge would be $0.
- Equipment Installment Plan (EIP): If you have an EIP, monthly installment amounts continue to be charged and must be paid each month by the due date, regardless of whether your monthly recurring charges are suspended.
- Making monthly payments: To keep the account current, there are several ways for you or an authorized user to pay your mobile365 bill.
Seasonal suspensions
You may voluntarily suspend your account twice a year for a maximum period of 90 consecutive days for each suspension. During a seasonal suspension, your account must remain current. You can suspend individual lines of an account, while other lines remain active. If you previously suspended your line within the last 12 months as a Seasonal Suspend, the option to suspend the line on My mobile365 will not be displayed until the end of the 12-month period.
Multiline rate plan seasonal suspension fees
- When all lines on a multiline rate plan are suspended, accounts are billed $10 per bill cycle for each suspended line. For example, if you suspend all lines on a four-line account, you are charged $40 per bill cycle.
- When one or more lines on a multiline plan remain active, accounts are billed the plan's full monthly charge, including any data or additional features.
- If an add-a-line that's not included in the multiline rate plan is suspended, you are charged the multiline rate plan fee, plus a $10 fee for the suspended add-a-line.
Individual rate plan seasonal suspension fees
- For accounts with only one line on an individual rate plan, a suspended line is billed $10 per bill cycle.
- If an account has multiple individual-line rate plans, the account is billed $10 for each suspended individual-line rate plan, and the full monthly charge for any active individual lines. Example: If you have an account with three lines on the individual Simple Choice rate plan. You decide to temporarily suspend two of those lines. The two suspended lines are billed $10 per month, while the third non-suspended line is billed to the account for the full monthly charges, including any data and other features.
Nonpayment suspensions
Anytime your account is past due, your service may be partially suspended. If the balance on your account remains unpaid, a full suspension may occur. A $20 account restoration fee will be charged per line plus taxes, due at time of restoration, if your account is partially or fully suspended.
Partial suspension for nonpayment | Full suspension for nonpayment |
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