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Wi-Fi Calling lets you call or text on Wi-Fi networks with your mobile365 phone number, extending your coverage and keeping you connected! This is beneficial in areas with little to no cellular coverage as Wi-Fi calling can help improve call quality and provide a more stable connection. 

Be aware these details are only for mobile365 Wi-Fi Calling. Calling and messaging from other apps (Skype, WhatsApp, Google Voice, etc.) may work over Wi-Fi or cellular data, but you must contact the app developer for help or billing.

Set up Wi-Fi Calling

To use mobile365 Wi-Fi Calling, you need:

  • E911 address: Before you can use Wi-Fi Calling, you need to set up an e911 address on your account in case your location doesn't show up automatically to a 911 dispatcher. Learn how to set up your E911 address.
  • Active account: The service connects through mobile365 service and uses your phone number, so your account must be active.
  • Device that supports mobile365 Wi-Fi Calling:
    • Wi-Fi Calling is included on most mobile365 devices. Check the tutorials​ page to check your phone's capabilities.
    • Some manufacturers state their devices have mobile365 Wi-Fi Calling. Most of these devices work without any problems, but mobile365 cannot guarantee their service unless you bought the device from us.
  • Wi-Fi Internet access: You must be able to use the internet on a Wi-Fi network.
    • Requires a minimum of 2 Mbps for upload and download speeds.
    • Satellite Internet and cell phone hotspot are not supported.
    • For detailed requirements, review: Wi-Fi Calling on a corporate network.

To set up mobile365 Wi-Fi Calling, follow these steps on your iOS or Android device:

Apple iOS
  1. Make sure Wi-Fi is turned on and connected.
  2. Tap the Settings app.
  3. Tap Cellular.
  4. Tap Wi-Fi Calling.
  5. Tap Wi-Fi Calling on This iPhone.
Android OS
  1. Ensure Wi-Fi is turned on and connected.
  2. Tap the Settings app.
  3. Tap Connections.
  4. Tap Wi-Fi Calling.
  5. Tap Wi-Fi Preferred.


Billing for Wi-Fi calls and messages

Wifi calling and messaging charges
Wi-Fi calling actions and their resulting bill charges
What you're doing What you're charged on Wi-Fi Calling
  • Receiving any calls or messages
  • Calling to U.S.* phone numbers
  • Sending messages to U.S.* phone numbers

If you have an unlimited plan:

  • Any incoming calls: No fees
  • Any incoming messages: No fees
  • Outgoing calls and messages that you make to U.S. phone numbers: No fees

If you have a plan without unlimited, calls and messages count against your plan limits.

Calling to international (non-U.S.*) phone numbers

When you're in the U.S., Wi-Fi calls placed to other countries are subject to your plan's long-distance charges. Check stateside international rates for long-distance fees.

When you're outside the U.S. (international roaming) and have an unlimited plan:

  • When in 215+ countries and destinations​, calls are $0.25/min for roaming (same as cellular).
  • When on a cruise ship/ferry network, airline (in-flight) network, or any countries not included in the 215+ list, calls are charged at World Class rates.

If you don't have an unlimited plan, calls to other countries are charged at World Class Calling rates.

Sending messages to international (non-U.S.*) phone numbers

When you're in the U.S., messages sent while connected to Wi-Fi Calling are subject to your plan's long-distance charges. Check stateside international rates​ for long-distance fees.

When you're outside the U.S. (international roaming) and have an unlimited plan:

  • When in 215+ countries and destinations​, messages are not charged for roaming.
  • When on a cruise ship/ferry network, airline (in-flight) network, or any countries not included in the 215+ list, sending messages to any countries not on the list costs $0.50 for roaming.
Data or Internet usage Nothing. Data usage over Wi-Fi doesn't use the mobile365 network. We don't have record of it or charge for it.
Connecting through a VPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) connects you securely to a network of other computers. While connected, your Internet usage goes through that network, wherever it's located.

When VPN connects your device to another country for the first time, you'll receive a standard Welcome SMS, and you must enable data by dialing #RON#. Even if you're in the U.S. or a Simple Global country, you may be charged World Class rates.

*Or home area, if your plan includes calls and messages to Canada and Mexico.


Prevent unexpected charges when traveling abroad

Be warned... if your Wi-Fi connection drops for a moment or you move outside its range, your calls may switch to cellular networks. This means unexpected charges if you're in another country.

To avoid accidental charges:

  • Make sure your device shows a Wi-Fi Calling icon in its status bar before making calls or sending messages.
  • Try one of the following, if your device supports it:
    • Set Wi-Fi Calling to handle all calls, which will turn off the device's cellular connection. Review device procedures for Wi-Fi Calling - check for Wi-Fi only or Never use Cellular Network setting.
    • Set Airplane mode to on, then turn on Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Calling.
    • Turn off roaming data in device settings. For more information, review International roaming services. (May still allow some types of data, as designed by your device manufacturer.)
  • You will lose service when moving out of the Wi-Fi range.
  • This does not prevent charges from international VPN networks and VPN connections. Review Billing for details.



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