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ZenKey is a mobile app that gives you easy and secure access to sign into your favorite apps and websites by using one method to verify your accounts. If you're running into problems with this app, check out our troubleshooting tips.


What is the ZenKey app

  • ZenKey is a mobile app that allows easy, secured access to other apps and online accounts. By connecting you, service providers you choose, and your wireless carrier, ZenKey helps to protect your identity while making signing in simpler and faster with one method to sign in to all your apps and websites.
  • Skip the work filling out basic information in every app or online service you sign up for. At your direction, the carrier will provide basic information, such as name and email, to pre-approved third-party app and online service providers so you can sign up more quickly with those providers.
  • mobile365, AT&T, and Verizon have partnered with ZenKey to have a security-focused standard for all wireless subscribers to use multi-factor authentication combining mobile carrier proprietary, network-based authentication capabilities with profile information to verify your identity.

To protect your identity, ZenKey must identify you. The app does this through your:

  • ZenKey profile allowing you to securely sign to your online service providers with a unique user profile.
  • Personal recovery methods that help verify your identity, such as biometrics (fingerprints, face scans), visual codes, PIN numbers, and single-use codes.
  • Wireless carrier login that confirms your wireless provider and that you do, in fact, own your phone.
  • Taken together, your ZenKey profile, recovery methods, and wireless carrier make your online identity far more secure than just a username and password. So, whenever you sign into apps and online accounts, ZenKey can verify that you are who you say you are.


What you need to use it

Device requirements

  • Apple devices running iOS 11.0 or newer / Android devices running Android 7 or newer (including BYOD). 
  • To use biometric features (FaceID, Touch ID, Trusted Face, Trusted Fingerprint) the device must include a face scanner/fingerprint scanner.
  • The device must be using a newer SIM card with the latest software. We recommend using the SIM card that came with the device.
  • Make sure you've updated the ZenKey app to the latest version to get the best experience.
  • Sprint customers must be part of the mobile365 Network Experience or have migrated to the mobile365 network with a mobile365 SIM.
  • Not available for devices with Metro by mobile365 service.

App and website requirements

  • Applications/apps must be registered with ZenKey as a service provider.
  • Websites must use the https protocol and be registered with ZenKey as a service provider.
  • For a complete list of supported applications and websites, go to


First time set up

To log in for the first time, follow these steps.

  1. Download the ZenKey Powered by mobile365 app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Make sure you set it to auto-update!
  2. Allow push notifications for iOS and make and manage phone calls for Android to securely sign into applications from a trusted device or browser and authorize more sensitive transactions.
  3. Tap ZenKey to open the app.
  4. Select Get Started, and select I agree to the Privacy Statement and Terms and Conditions.
  5. Sign In with your mobile365 ID username and password.
  6. Create your ZenKey profile by adding your phone, email, name, password, and zip code. Select Continue.
  7. Create a ZenKey Personal Identification Number (PIN) that is 6 to 15 characters long. This is not your mobile365 PIN/Passcode. This PIN will be used to unlock the ZenKey app and must meet the following requirements.
    • Must contain all numbers
    • Cannot contain a sequence of four or more repeating numbers (1111)
    • Cannot contain a sequence of four or more increasing numbers (1234)
  8. Type the PIN, then select Create.
  9. Re-enter the PIN. Select Confirm.
  10. On Congratulations screen, tap OK.
  11. A verification code is sent to your email address. Check your email to copy the code, then return to the ZenKey app to paste the code and select Verify Email.

Next, check out ZenKey by downloading a demo app and taking it for a spin!

Add accounts

Now add all your favorite apps and online accounts to your ZenKey account. Service providers include businesses, such as a bank, your favorite music app or Instagram. To add service providers, follow these steps.

  1. Select ZenKey to open the app. Select Accounts.
  2. Select Accounts. Select the Add icon at the top of the screen.
  3. In the search box, enter the name of the service provider.
  4. Locate your service provider in the list and select to Add.


Recovery methods

Should you ever need to recover your ZenKey account, you will be required to provide at least one recovery method biometric verification (Touch or Face ID), single-use recovery codes, trusted devices, or browser.

Set up biometric verification


Face ID or Trusted Face

To set up biometrics for Face ID or Trusted Face, follow these steps. If your phone does not have face scanner technology, then you cannot use this feature.


  1. Select ZenKey to open the app. Select Settings.
  2. Select Biometrics. Select Set Up Face ID or Set Up Trusted Face.
  3. Confirm that you want to use Face ID/Trusted Face instead of PIN entry. Select OK.
  4. Follow prompts to enable biometrics and select OK.

Touch ID or Trusted Fingerprint

To set up biometrics for Touch ID or Trusted Fingerprint, follow these steps. If your phone does not have a fingerprint scanner, then you cannot use this feature.

  1. Select ZenKey to open the app. Select Settings.
  2. Select Biometrics. Select Set Up Touch ID or Set Up Trusted Fingerprint.
  3. Confirm that you want to use Touch ID/Trusted Fingerprint instead of PIN entry. Select OK.
  4. Follow prompts to enable biometrics and select OK.
Add recovery codes

To enhance your security options, you can save single-use recovery codes. A recovery code consists of three 16-digit numbers. To setup recovery codes, follow these steps.

  1. Select ZenKey to open the app. Select Settings.
  2. Select Recovery Codes. Select Create Recovery Codes. Select Save Recovery Codes.
  3. Select the method for saving recovery codes (Copy, Email, Print, Save).
  4. Recovery code creation is complete. Select Set Up Another for additional recovery methods or Not Right Now if done.
  5. The Add recovery methods screen displays. Continue to select other recovery methods, such as trusted devices.

You should never share your recovery codes with anyone to ensure your account stays secure.

Add trusted devices

You can designate a device as a trusted device. For trusted devices, you will not need to enter a PIN each time you access it. To set up trusted devices, follow these steps.

  1. Select ZenKey to open the app. Select Trusted.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Go to on a secondary device such as a laptop or desktop. Under Set up device select + Device
  4. In the app on your device select Allow Access to scan the QR code and select OK or Enter Code Manually that shows under the QR code in your secondary device browser and select OK.
  5. Select Yes to Trust this device and Continue to complete set up.


Sign into ZenKey

To log into ZenKey after you have set up your account, follow these steps.

  1. Select ZenKey to open the app.
  2. Enter your PIN or use biometric verification such as Face ID or fingerprint to log in.


Sign into apps and websites

To log into your service provider accounts with ZenKey, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure the ZenKey app is updated to the latest version for the best experience.
  2. Select the Sign In with ZenKey button on the supported third-party app or website. Note: The app or website must first be added as a service, see First time set up for more info.
  3. ZenKey will now ask if you agree to let your wireless carrier share your ZenKey details with the third-party app.
  4. Choose Edit to alter which information gets shared.
  5. Select Deny if you do not wish to share any information.
  6. Select Agree to give consent.
  7. Based on the security requirements of the app or website, you might be asked to provide an additional factor, such as a biometric verification or your ZenKey PIN.

Make sure to keep your identity secure by monitoring your login attempts by managing your connected apps, devices, and websites easily and in one place. On the Activity tab, see which accounts were used where, when, and how.


ZenKey on mobile web/desktop

To use ZenKey on a browser, you must first set up your ZenKey account, once you have a ZenKey account you can visit a website on a mobile device or browser and sign in with ZenKey by following these steps.

  1. Select Sign in with ZenKey on the sign-in screen.
  2. Select your mobile carrier (mobile365, AT&T, Verizon).
    • If you have not yet trusted the browser and device, ZenKey will load a visual code and numeric code for you to connect the browser to ZenKey. To allow the browser access, open the ZenKey app then select Trusted.
    • If you have already trusted the browser, choose the ZenKey account you wish to login with.
  3. After selecting the account, ZenKey will send an authorization request to your ZenKey app and push notification. If you didn’t receive the request, check that you have enabled notifications for ZenKey in your device’s System Settings.
    • If you have already enabled the service provider in the ZenKey app, you will be asked to sign in (authorizing the service provider will log you into their website) or deny authorization (denying the service provider will cancel the authorization request).
    • If you have not yet enabled this service, your wireless carrier will ask your permission to share details, such as your name and email, with the service provider.



Why should I use ZenKey?
ZenKey eliminates the need for extra passwords, is more efficient so you are not wracking your brain to remember your passwords and uses advanced security controls to keep your data more secure making it harder for fraudsters to hijack your identity.
What types of authentication does ZenKey use?
ZenKey requires all users to login with their wireless carrier’s credentials and to create a PIN as a minimum level of authentication. ZenKey recommends setting up several recovery methods. If you lose access to your account, ZenKey will ask for at least two of the following authentication factors to verify your identity: a PIN or biometric verification, recovery codes, trusted device, and your wireless carrier's username and password.
What steps does ZenKey take to protect my information?
ZenKey uses multi-factor authentication combining proprietary network-based authentication capabilities with profile information to verify your identity.
What if I have multiple Carrier IDs for my email?
If ZenKey says you already have User IDs for the email address you have provided, there will be a drop-down menu to choose the appropriate User ID and proceed with signing in.
Can I use my legacy Sprint SIM card with ZenKey?
ZenKey does not currently support legacy Sprint SIM cards. However, legacy Sprint customers who move to the mobile365 network, with a new mobile365 SIM card, will be able to use ZenKey.

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