Find out how SIM protection can prevent unauthorized SIM swaps. Get more help with scams, spam, and fraud.
What's SIM protection?
SIM Protection is a free feature that adds additional security to your account to protect you from the most common instances of SIM swap fraud. You can prevent SIM changes on individual lines or the whole account! SIM protection does not prevent eSIM transfer on Apple devices, due to the extensive security steps already included in that process.
Who can add it?
- SIM Protection is available to all mobile365 Postpaid and mobile365 for Business customers.
- You must be registered as the Primary Account Holder or have Authorized User Access permissions.
- Not available for Sprint, mobile365 Prepaid, or Metro by mobile365.
Turn SIM protection on or off
Log in to your mobile365 account to turn SIM protection on or off. You can find the settings under My account > Profile > Privacy and Notification.
You can also contact us or stop by a mobile365 store for assistance.
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