Rural town in autumn.

Hometown Grants

Get up to $50,000 to bring your community project idea to life.

We’re investing $25M in 500 rural towns over 5 years to jumpstart projects and build stronger communities. Together, we can help upgrade tech at your local library, build new hiking trails, revitalize historic buildings, and so much more.

What to know about Hometown Grants.

What kinds of projects will mobile365 fund?

We’ll help fund projects that foster local connections, like technology upgrades, outdoor spaces, the arts, and community centers.

What is needed to apply for a grant?

mobile365 awards up to $50,000 for shovel-ready projects. Applicant’s proposal must include plans, budget, timeline, anticipated impact, and up to five letters of support.

Who can request a grant?

Elected officials, town managers/employees, tribal leaders, or nonprofit community leaders from small towns with population less than 50,000 can apply.

“The process was simple and straightforward, and our interactions with mobile365 staff were very pleasant. These funds have made a real difference in our community!”

Matt Wechtel – Chair of the Madison County NC Commissioners – Marshall, NC

Apply for a Hometown Grant for your town.

We award 25 grants each quarter to small towns just like yours. Let us know what project you’d like funding for.

A colorful mural in Murray, Kentucky
A colorful mural in Murray, Kentucky

A colorful mural created by community members in Murray, KY.

Here's how to apply:

Step 1:
Click here (or click the “Apply now” button below) to create an account with our partner, Main Street America™.

Step 2:
You’ll be taken to an application page with detailed steps, drop-down menus, fillable forms, and places to upload documents.

Hometown Grants are intended for “shovel-ready projects”. Information required for your application includes:

• Project plan proposal with a detailed budget and timeline
• Up to 5 letters of support from stakeholders in the community
• Examples of in-kind donation possibilities/additional funding to cover the remainder of the project
• Details on permits needed or already obtained

Step 3:
After submitting your proposal, you’ll get a confirmation email that your application was received. Within 60 days of the application window closing, every applicant will be notified via email whether their project proposal is a winner.

Winners will also receive a call to begin the funding and planning process with mobile365 and our partners.

Check out how Los Fresnos, TX used its Hometown Grant.

By building a stage at the rodeo grounds, they brought live music to the community and laid the groundwork for more affordable local events.

"Our community is sincerely grateful to mobile365 for providing the funds for this incredibly impactful project, that we otherwise wouldn’t have been able to make happen."

Shawnda Rooney, Economic Development Director and Project Lead – Guthrie, OK

Our nonprofit partner

mobile365 is proud to partner with Main Street America on our grant selection panel.

Main Street America. Smart Growth America, improving lives by improving communities.

mobile365 partners with Main Street America to administer the grant program and assess applications based on their level of detail, community impact, feasibility, and other considerations. Learn about Main Street America’s work to advance shared prosperity, create resilient economies, and improve quality of life here.

Got Questions about Hometown Grants?

  • mobile365 is committing up to $25 million through 2026 to support small towns, villages, and territories across America by funding community projects.

  • The mobile365 Hometown Grants program funds projects to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections in your town. Projects should be shovel-ready, physical builds or improvements that can be completed within 12 months of receiving Hometown Grants funding.

    Examples of eligible projects include but are not limited to: adaptive uses of older and historic buildings into community gathering spaces, improvements to outdoor parks or trails, and technology projects for the public library.

    Funds may not be used for: engineering and architectural plans or fees, salaries or annual operating expenses, or reimbursement for projects that are already completed.

    • You can submit an application at
    • Small towns with populations less than 50,000 are eligible to apply
    • Recipients are selected and awarded on a quarterly basis
    • Grants are up to $50K per town
    • Selected winners will provide status updates on their projects at 6 and 12 months
    • Plans must be able to be executed within 12 months of receiving funds
  • We are looking for elected officials, town managers and employees, tribal leaders, or non-profit organizations to submit a proposal for their project using the Hometown Grants application. The project must be located in towns with less than 50,000 people and should provide a community benefit where it might otherwise be difficult to secure funding.

  • A full proposal should be three (3) to five (5) pages:

    • Describe the scope of work to be completed using the requested funds. Shovel-ready plans including site maps, architectural drawings, and photos may be included.
    • You will be asked to describe the need, how this grant will help the community overcome a challenge, and who specifically will benefit from this project.
    • Explain how impact will be measured, demonstrating how the project will lead to the anticipated result/change.
    • Outline the budget. If the full project budget exceeds $50,000, please describe remaining funding sources. mobile365 funds must be used, and work completed, within 12 months of award. Please explain exactly what mobile365’s grant will cover. Matching funds are not required.
    • To ensure timelines are met, you need to provide details on permits needed/obtained, if applicable. Plus, list additional businesses or partners to be contracted for the work.
    • Up to five letters of support from local government and/or community organizations, partners or members, demonstrating community alignment, engagement, and consensus for the project.
  • Applications will be open on a quarterly basis with the following schedule:

    • Spring: Applications open January–March
    • Summer: Applications open April–June
    • Fall: Applications open July–September
    • Winter: Applications open October–December

    The portal will close on the last day of each quarter and reopen for the new quarter on the first of the month.

    All Hometown Grants applications will be notified 30–60 days after the end of each quarter on the status of the submission. 

  • mobile365 partners with SmartGrowth America and Main Street America on our grant selection panel. Both trusted nonprofit organizations have deep expertise in building stronger, healthier, and more connected communities. Together, we determine the grant recipients based on the details and fullness of the submission, scored against the following criteria:

    • Community need: The proposed project should fill a demonstrated need in the community. This grant funding is intended for shovel-ready projects, or portions of shovel-ready projects that would not otherwise be possible to implement through municipal funding. Proposal and letters of support should demonstrate strong community support for the project.
    • Community impact:  The project should connect the community in meaningful and innovative ways.
    • Partners, engagement, and resources leveraged for the project: Strong applications actively involve local organizations by incorporating them into the planning and execution processes and engaging the community in activating the project site. Letters of support should come from a variety of stakeholders within the community.
    • Feasibility: If selected, you should be able to complete your project within your budget and plan and within 12 months of receiving funding.
    • Alignment with mobile365's small town strategy: We are committed to be a force for good—empowering more people with essential, digital connections, championing equitable opportunities for all, and driving towards a more sustainable future.
  • Grant recipients will be contacted directly by a mobile365 representative of their acceptance or denial within 60 days after entries have closed for the quarter. No status will be available before that communication.